Mugwort, My Neighbor and the Medicinal Properties it holds

GOOD MORNING WITCHES!!!! A funny, not really important, but “important so I gotta share!” Blog post

Yesterday I shared a story on my Instagram feed about people killing Mugwort and referring to it as a “pesky plant with an equally displeasing name” Ok, it’s a weed, but it’s a weed with tons of medicinal properties and I don’t think it’s a pesky plant, also the word Mugwort is kinda sexy if you ask me!

That post was my trigger reaction to a neighbors horrified reaction that I was harvesting my Mugwort and “using it” as it’s a ‘weed’ and my horrified reaction to her killing her Mugwort with a weed killer.  I had to school this neighbor on all the Medicinal properties associated with Mugwort and how I use it in my practice (she also knows I’m a witch and is 100% positive I’m the crazy delusional “Cat Lady” living next door! Hey IDGAF!)

After much debate and schooling to make her (really me) happy I volunteered to not only remove her mugwort (it was a lot! Almost a whole days worth of work) out of her back yard but also remove any “future” mugwort that grows later! Anyone who has ever attempted to remove Mugwort knows mugwort can never really be killed. It comes back with vengeance!

So now, not only do I have a bunch of Mugwort transferred over to my yard, I also have a significant amount harvested and drying. So much I brought this little guy inside to nurse and admire. 😍🥰😍

P.S. I text her an Etsy listing after I removed the mugwort. The listing shows Mugwort being sold at $25 lb. yeah, I’m almost positive she had a stroke. 🤣

I Love New York City! The City That Never Sleeps… hey! Maybe everyone should start drinking their Mugwort!!! 🤣

Mugwort has many properties, and uses. Here’s some valuable information on this Magickal Weed!

Name: Artemisia Vulgaris
Chakras: 6TH - Third Eye / 7TH - Crown
Planet: Venus
Element: Earth 🜃
Associated Deities: Artemis

“Whoever has the mugwort in his/her journey will never feel tired”

Mugwort is considered one of the most powerful plants used in Divination work. Long used for strengthening clairvoyance. Mugwort hold great power for consecrating divinatory tools and preparing your sacred space for rituals concerning a deepened connection to the spirit world. The Power of Mugwort was actually discovered by the goddess Artemis herself, the Mother Goddess, the Moon, the one who presides over life and death, the Lady of the Woods, protector of wild animals, guardian of the sources and torrents and protector of women.

There are many ways to incorporate Mugwort into your rituals and spells

Magickal Uses:
🌿 You can add a drop or anoint your Divination tools when in safe keeping, to keep their energy and aura protected, strong and enchanted.
🌿 Protection Spells
🌿 Clairvoyance
🌿 Unbinding
🌿 Wards Off Evil
🌿 Attraction
🌿 Purification
🌿 Meditation
🌿 Prophetic Dreams
🌿 Relaxation
🌿 Peaceful Dreaming & Sleep
🌿 Psychic Protection
🌿 Divination
🌿 Astral Projection
🌿 Consecration of Divinatory Tools

I have a few Mugwort items in my shop. Make sure you come check them out!

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