For years many have believed the Moon, stars, planets, and Sun affect happiness here on Earth and that each planet in our Solar System rules a different aspect of our life.
Mercury in Retrograde is the perfect time to revisit and restructure thoughts and belief patterns that no longer make you grow, or that no longer serve you. So many fear this time when we might feel ungrounded and unprotected from the chaos that this retrograde may bring. But why is that? Is it because we feel like we are being pulled back to face a truth we don't want to face? Why do we fear this time so much? Before we go run to light that copal, why don't we do a little retrograde ourselves and analyze how we can take control of this phase?
I Witch-crafted this candle to do just that. To help us sit and reflect, to ground us, protect us, but mostly, for inspiration, healing, and growth. Unlike other MIR candles out there, I programmed this candle to inspire you to re-write your story. To prepare for what's to come and take action.
I have blessed, cleansed, and charged this candle with herbs, flowers, crystals, and herbs to create a powerful spell that blocks the sucking of energy this time brings and to protect and ground us so we can reflect and rewrite our stories on how Mercury being in retrograde didn't affect us. Copal, lemon balm, lavender, witch hazel, sage, peppermint, and red clover are amongst many of the herbs and resins I used to create this spell.
Place this candle in a safe place and chant the spell on the back of the candle 3 times BACKWARDS! If you need any help you are always free to message me. To make it easier I have added the retrograde dates for easy reference.
Crystals used to spell this Soy candle include:
🔵 Sodalite: Be conscious of your interpersonal skills, -applying wisdom and patience, listening fully to what is being communicated rather than just said.
🟢 Chrysocolla: Withdraw from unnecessary interactions, indulge in some introspection to review and renew your purpose and choices.
🟣 Charoite: Work with your Third Eye to dispel fears and enhance your ability to make the most of the opportunity to purge inner negativity.
🔹Fluorite: Make good choices, using logic and ration. Be the one to ease tension, not engage in an argument
⚫️ Obsidian: Shields you from the energy around you, providing a safe haven for solemnity so you can visualize negative energy dissolving before it reaches you, or being returned to its source.
🟤 Smokey Quartz Powder: Provides a cloak of invisibility, allowing you to get on undisturbed, removing vulnerability.