What Does Witchcraft Mean to You?

A completely loaded question, "What does witchcraft mean to you?" How would you explain Witchcraft when asked by a non-believer? How do you describe what you do to someone who doesn't practice or know what to do? What does practicing mean to you? What makes you feel like a witch?

Let's cut the shit, witchcraft always gets a bad reputation from outsiders. Some Witches from time to time will also judge other Witches, "Oh, don't work with her, she's into that dark magick shit" Yes, I have heard it myself, or my favorite "She's not a real Witch" but in turn claims to be a Witch themselves. So, let's return to the question, "what does Witchcraft mean to you?"  It's my strongest belief that this bad reputation comes from misunderstanding, not understanding, misconception, self loathing and what I love to call, stupid'stition. In this post, I would like to try to light a candle and shine some light on my views of Witchcraft and with this light dispel some very much unneeded anxiety. 

I will address questions here asked by many people when they learn I practice the art of Witchcraft.

Heres my favorite...

"So, you don't believe in God?" <~ Possibly the most annoying question. 

Here's the deal. Just because I am a Witch doesn't mean I don't believe in God, as a matter of fact, I believe in many God's and Goddesses. I even believe in aliens. I am a Spiritual person and a woman of faith, I believe in a higher being but to me, none is above the other. I respect and admire all God's even Lucifer who's name I am not afraid to say. As Above, So Below! I am also Baptized in 3 religions, Catholic, Christian and Episcopal. 

"So, your Religion is Witchcraft" 

How many times do I have to say Witchcraft is not a religion? I’m going to say that again for the people in the back: WITCHCRAFT IS NOT A F-KING RELIGION! Same as Buddism and Yoga isn't a religion either. Who makes up these stories? Yes, I feel strongly on this. Witchcraft can be paired with religions, but Witchcraft itself is not one. It is a PRACTICE. It is a way of life that can be done with the power of yourself, gods, goddess & demons, the fae's, spirits, or even, GOD, if that is your chosen religion.

~ I want to hear from you! What's the meaning of Witchcraft to you or SHARE with us what the most annoying question or assumption you have heard... 

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