BRING ME MONEY THREE TIMES THREE!!!🍀 ✨ 🍀 😘 Kiss my lucky 🍀 ✨
*** This is my top performing and selling oil. One sells every couple of hours ***
This oil is available with a REAL 4 leaf clover. If you follow my Instagram (La.Bruja.Apothecary) you will learn that for the past couple of months the Money God’s have been blessing me and I have been coming across an abundance of Four Leaf Clovers. The price for the 4 Leaf Clover is a flat rate of $20
This oil is Witch-crafted with a blend of essential oils including basil, cinnamon, bay leaves, cloves, Frankincense & Myrrh to assist you in your money drawing needs. Along with herbs, spices, and roots to further attract and stick the money spell onto you. Use my Fortune Money bath for extra power. There is a spell that accompanies this candle. Repeat this candle ritual at least once a week for the spell to stick. Every morning is best. I usually anoint a cinnamon stick with this oil and burn it after I awake.
Blessed With:
🟢 Green Aventurine - Brings prosperity to your life through opportunities, wealth, and relationships
🟡 Citrine - Attracts wealth, prosperity and success. Raises self-esteem and confidence.
⭐️ Pyrite - A traditional crystal for money and good luck. It is a powerful crystal for manifestation especially with regards to wealth and prosperity. It is connected with the sun and strengthens your 3rd chakra.
🟢 Malachite - The stone of good fortune, so the wearer of this stone will attract all good things when it comes to money, wealth, and opportunities
🟤 Tigers Eye - A stone that enhances good luck and brings prosperity, often in the form of money
The scent is very earthy, you can smell strong notes of basil, bay leaves & cinnamon.
• Anoint Yourself / 3rd eye, Heart, Pulse, Back of neck
• Anoint Your Ritual Tools
• Anoint Your Candles
• Anoint Your Bath Water
• Anoint Your Bed / Car / Work Area
• Mix With Your Bath Soap