🍀 Money-Money Come To Me🍀 ✨
Fortune is my very own creation to draw in prosperity, abundance, luck and a steady flow of cash to my life. By using this floor wash you will be drawing prosperous energy and amplifying your intention with the magical properties I have used to create this powerful magical floor wash. Using your energy while drawing the on the magical properties of these magical herbs you will easily manifest your intentions and desires for more abundance in your life. Use for home and business/workplace to draw in wealth, luck, prosperity and abundance to your space.
You bless and cleanse your Altar. You bless and cleanse Your Space. You even smudge your home. But, what are you doing for the rest of your home? Your floors, doors, windows, knobs, mailbox, etc. they are the main vessels for harboring negative draining energy that enters your home or hexes and Evil Eyes placed upon you and your family. Your doors and windows are the most vulnerable in the spiritual world and most times it's whats outside your door trying to get in that drains the energy and peace in your home.
What is a floor Spiritual Floor Wash? Floor washes are used to remove negativity from the home or business or to bring good fortune, protection, banishment or to attract love. These solutions are made with flowers, herbs, essential oils, spiritual colognes, roots, crystals, resins and prayers for spiritual cleaning of the home, inside and out. Floor washes are similar to spiritual baths that can be used for spiritually cleaning your body. The major difference is that floor washes often active ingredients such as ammonia, something that you would never want to use on your body. For my Floor Washes, I use a Eco-Friendly plant based Biodegradable formula which is safe for babies and pets. Both of which I have at home and the reason why I use these actives. We don't want the babies on the floor crawling over chemicals which will harm their precious sensitive skin or pets eating anything they find off the floor. Can you tell these are my joys?
I'm sorry I can not share ingredients for this product due to the sensitive nature of my work. Please look at the pictures as they speak for themselves. I do not filter this formula. I honestly don't know why people do this. You need a pure concentration to recharge and a vessel which keeps properties vibrational energy high and ready for the next cleansing.