🌒🌕🌘 Full Moon Ritual Oil ~ Luna Llena Mágica ⭐️🌟
Corresponding Full Moon tools:
Full Moon Candle:
Full Moon Soap:
Full Moon Smudge Spray (for the bed and car):
Full Moon Ritual Bath Salts:
This oil was specially Witch-crafted to add power to your Full Moon rituals by harnessing the Moon’s Energy and infusing and amplifying the power of your spells.
The energy of the full moon is so powerful that clearing yourself of negative energy will allow you to receive its full potential. Burning sage or even Palo Santo incense can help cleanse your body and space. Smudging – energetically cleansing a space to allow positive energy to enter – will help set up any ritual that you will relish in for the evening. It is probably the quickest and easiest way to cleanse bad energy. Full moons are optimal moments to also cleanse your crystals.
Full moons are a time of releasing what does not serve you and letting go of what isn’t working in your life. We need this release to make room for things that will serve us. After a full moon, comes the waning phase, which is symbolic in the closing of a chapter or finally reaching a goal. Ritualistically, the goal of full moon is manifesting your intentions that you set in the new moon, so it is important to use the full moon as a halfway point to deepen your intentions.
Some of the herbs, but not all as my spells consist of many properties and ingredients, Roses, jasmine, stinging nettle, oats, cinnamon, Pau 'D Arco, Lavender flowers, Star Anise and many others that bring power and properties aligned with the Full Moon. I have even added white mica shimmer to recreate a moonlight glow. All of these ingredients make for an intoxicating scent meant to stimulate your inner witch and draw her out.
When you shaken this oil resembles the beautiful magic that is the Moon Goddess.
Blessed, cleansed and charged with:
⚪️ Moonstone: Good Fortune, Abundance & Blessings
Known for carrying the powerful energy of the moon.
⚫️ Labradorite: Known for enhancing intuition, Astral Travel, Psychic Abilities & Telepathic Communications
⚪️ Selenite Powder: Known for heightening psychic abilities, Cleansing the Aura. Bringing Insight and Mental Clarity.
⚫️ Obsidian: Break free from any situations where you feel trapped. Used for protection and banishment.
🟣 Amethyst: Plan ahead and invest in long term projects and relationships
• Anoint Yourself / 3rd eye, Heart, Pulse, Back of neck
• Anoint Your Ritual Tools
• Anoint Your Candles
• Anoint Your Bath Water
• Anoint Your Bed / Car / Work Area
• Mix With Your Bath Soap