💨 Four Winds From the Four Corners of the World 🌬
Use this oil to invoke the Four Winds from the four corners of the earth for wind magick
Four Winds brings a sense of balance and harmony to everyday life in general but each direction and their attributes add their own energy. This oil is great for those who desire a change in life. Also helps in boosting spells. I consider this oil to be my "Catch-all" in spells. It is my most used oil.
➡️ East - The element is Air the wind of intelligence and the lesson is creativity, awareness and perception. The energy is swift and changeable.
⬇️ South - The element is Fire the wind of passion and change and the lesson is strength, protection, relationship with self, others and nature. The energy is quick and rapid fire.
⬅️ West - The element is Water the wind of love and emotions and the lesson is connection to dreams, intuition, inner vision and shamanic journeys
⬆️ North - The element is Earth the wind of riches and the lesson is teaching, healing, learning, prosperity, ritual and wisdom. The energy is steady like a heartbeat.
Blessed, Cleansed and Charged with Rose and Clear Quartz, Amethyst and Tourmaline.
• Anoint Yourself / 3rd eye, Heart, Pulse, Back of neck
• Anoint Your Ritual Tools
• Anoint Your Candles
• Anoint Your Bath Water
• Anoint Your Bed / Car / Work Area
• Mix With Your Bath Soap